Collection of Ontology Design Patterns, Templates, and Examples
Here we provide a list of ontology design patterns (ODPs), corresponding Ontorat templates, and examples for ontology developers' and domain experts' reference.
- The ontology design patterns include a specific diagram that lays out the inforamtion about the design pattern.
- The Ontorat template includes two files for each use case:
- The setting file specifies how terms are related.
- The input template file specifies the input format in an Excel file.
- An example includes several files:
- Input data file in Excel format.
- Output owl file.
- Updated input data file with the newly generated ontology IDs included.
Collection of design patterns, templates, and examples :
- Assays (OBI)
- Cell line cells (CLO)
- Devices (OBI)
- Entities in Biobank (Biobank Ontology)
- Licensed animal vaccines (VO)
- Mouse strains (BCGO)
Note that the names inside parentheses are the namespaces of target ontologies used for the use case studies.
Note: If you have any design patterns to share, please contact us.